Looking into the (near) future…

Here is a bit of news from ET HQ right before I am going offline for a few weeks….

The upcoming Vrystaete records by Circle Bros and Journey of Taro take longer as expected… delivery times at the pressing plant (and for that matter at all pressing plants) are becoming quite crazy… but this is beyond my control… so I have to deal with it… But just to give an idea… when I started ET in 2003 (first release in 2004) delivery times where 4 weeks… now it is 20+ weeks… Check that!

This also means I will be re-thinking my way fo working this summer… but I will continue to produce vinyl records in small editions for you music lovers, connaisseurs and collectors out there…

It also means that I sending the next two releases into production already… with about half a year waiting time there is no other way…

So… what to expect this winter? Two absolute great ambient records by IYv (also known as Skeldos) and Teahouse Radio (from Hypnagoga Press)… I am really excited about these records… I am working on the artwork now and these records will become very very nice… trust me on this one…

So… for now you can listen to full track previews of these at the ET Soundcloud page here…

See you on the other side!

Playlist for All Night Flight…

I forgot to mention here I did quite recently a playlist for All Night Flight form the UK… it is a list with music by / from musicians and labels I respect and that (have) influence(d) and/or inspire(d) me… From the ambient moods of Hypnagoga Press to the dark noises of Haus Arafna and beyond…

All pieces in this selection come with some words for me on the music/musician/label…

Do check out here…

Slow news…

Most of the time I forget to post any news here… this as most of it is posted at my Instagram page… but quiet a lot is happening… three new records are at the pressing plant: FOQL and 4Cantons (both Gooiland Elektro) and the  Ô Paradis & Nový Svět LP  (Vrystaete). Then there will be a special edition of the last 35 copies of the Hero Wouters LP. This in “Vrystaete style”…

After that I planned a LP by R A D K O (Enfant Terrible) and EP’s by Auva Duhr and Monocorpse (both Gooiland Elektro)… and also a Vrystaete record by Taro… and more Vrystaete releases are already imagined and planned…

Also today I started working on a new Gooiland Elektro compilation EP… more on that when the concept is ready and the artists confirmed…

As you might guess in these time… no parties and no concerts… there are plans for this but times need to be different to realise that in a responsible way…

So… hang in there… and furthur!


A bit of delay…

The upcoming records by Leroy Se Meurt and Futuro de Hierro are delayed a bit… which should be no surprise taking the current situation in account… There is some delay at the pressing plant and I have to see if the workspaces where I print the artwork usually are opening up soon… I am not eager to compromise on the way I make the records for Enfant Terrible… I like to print all myself… this is an essential part of the process… I want every single record to go through my hands… meaning I print the artwork and do the assembling of the records and the artwork… I like to be connected in this way to the artefacts I put out…

So… I hope you have a little bit of patience… I aim for the end of May for these two records to be ready… which probably is better anyway as hopefully most record shops will be open again… so it makes more sense to have the records ready then anyway…




I was working on a really cool event with / at Kapitaal Utrecht for May… but this had to be cancelled now because of the regulations around the world-wide virus…

What was being prepared was an evening with Leroy Se Meurt live, and AV installation by  Roel Weerdenburg and a dj set by Silver Age People

When it is announced events are possible again I will look into the possibilities to do this evening anyway… but I expect I will not be able to realise an event until after summer… this due to other obligations / projects / travel plans…

Keep safe + see you on the other side!