Doxa Sinistra – Conveyer Belt (LP, 615 copies ) SOLD OUT
Paint it noise…
Doxa Sinistra was besides The Actor and Ende Shneafliet one of the more prominent acts on the Trumpett label in the 1980’s. Conveyer Belt is simply one of the best pieces of experimental and industrial music released in that era. Even today this music stands on its own and has lost nothing of it genius, originality and impact.
Conveyer Belt is a haunting and crazy listening experience and a mind blowing sound trip. The music is beyond any rigid genre defintion: you
may call it industrial free jazz, or wild electronics, or psychedelic angst pop, or noise paintings. After almost 25 years these tracks are still some of the most adventurous electronic sounds produced to date.
This said it is no suprise Enfant Terrible had to put this music to vinyl for the first time, as the original release dating from 1985 was on cassette. Only minor changes were made in the tracklisting to make it fit on vinyl and to fulfil the demands of the musicians. The album was remastered
from the original source tapes, providing a sound quality as originally intended, but too elaborate to do justice on cassette.
It is not possible to capture the real feeling and mood of this album with a few mp3 audio clips. They are here only to try to give an impression…
A1 The Late Jack Wright
A2 The Networkers Pts. 1 & 2
A3 Shunting-Yard
A4 Large Expanded Halls
A5 Conversation A La Chaine
A6 Branoff 4
A7 Mine-Shaft
B1 Exploring Expedition
B2 The Other Stranger
B3 No Car, No Job
B4 Putana Irriconoscibile
B5 The Enterprise (edit)
Selected press quotes:
“…This album demands quite a bit of patience in order to really begin to decipher the insanity. Industrial synths drill down to the root, tribal electronic beats, distorted voices, and movie samples are used as organic textures within the labyrinth. No single song is especially melodic, but their experiments are memorable, and the dreamlike quaility of it all keeps me coming back.” (Z Gun)
“…There are tracks on this Conveyer Belt album that you’d swear were produced by people on Warp in the 90s, yet this was recorded in the mid-80s… (Norman Records)
“…De hoofdtoon op ‘Conveyer Belt’ is zonder meer industrieel, niet in het minst door het veelvuldig gebruik van (gemanipuleerde) metaalpercussie, en werd opgetrokken op een fundering van ontspoorde noise, experimentele (analoge) elektronica en spookachtige soundscapes. Wie bij het horen van Clock DVA en Severed Heads het hoofd verliest, moet zeker ook Doxa Sinistra checken.” (Gonzo Circus)
“…This is one of the most interesting and intriguing albums I’ve heard in years. Doxa Sinistra reminds me of Eintstuerzende Neubauten using the electronics that were also used by Front 242 and Nitzer Ebb. But also Psychic TV and the haunting songs of Throbbing Gristle come to mind. …this is just plain awesome without having to be traumatic about it. One wonders why these things weren’t released on vinyl in 1985 and one is surprised that this still sounds very up-to-date nowadays. (Mashnote)
“…A few songs like “Exploring Expedition” and “Putana Irriconoscibile” are a bit reminding to the style of SPK and Throbbing Gristle. There’s this typical ‘free-sound’ exploration joined by hard echoing percussion drones and extra-cold sonic atmospheres. … Doxa Sinistra had a real potential, but it’s a pity they didn’t get that much recognition when they were active.” (Side-Line)
“…Destijds werd er voortgeborduurd op de flink met industriële geluiden pionierende acts als bijvoorbeeld Throbbing Gristle en Cabaret Voltaire en Doxa Sinistra wist zich toen al te onderscheiden door het bewandelen van een eigen weg. Binnen dat flink experimentele en de hoge dosis noisy klanken is dit materiaal mede daardoor fier overeind gebleven. Als je het niet weet krijg je nergens de indruk dat je naar muziek van zo’n 25 jaar geleden zit te luisteren…. Veel acts uit de ultra stroming en de thuistapers-acts bedienden zich destijds van sequencer patronen en 1-vinger keyboard riedels, Doxa Sinistra maakt daar echter nauwelijks gebruik van. Je hoort duidelijk een groep die intuïtief experimenteert en composities opbouwt en uitbouwt. Veel composities bevatten gesproken delen die avontuurlijk worden aangekleed. Je hoort daarbij duidelijk elementen die we pas de laatste jaren wat meer normaal zijn gaan vinden door de experimentele electro-/techno-producties. In die zin was de groep zijn tijd dus behoorlijk ver vooruit.” (MusicFromNL)
“…Weit entfernt von dem Neuzeit-Industrial war hier noch der Tenor, nach neuen Sounds, Klangkomination und abstrakten Soundverfremdungen zu forschen und Geräusche in sich wirken zu lassen. Sicherlich nicht jedermanns Sache, aber sehr spannend und interessant.” (Terrorverlag)
“…ein sehr spannendes Electro-Industrial-Album, das einerseits zwar teilweise recht eingängig daher kommt und somit auch Minimal-Electro-Fans gefallen dürfte, auf der anderen Seite aber einen sehr experimentellen Ansatz hat. Im Gegensatz zu den anderen Projekten der Musiker (Ende Shneafliet, Dr. C. Stein…), die eher wavig und synth-poppig sind, wird hier hemmungslos mit elektronischem Equipment herum improvisiert, was zu teilweise wirklich innovativen Ergebnissen und aufregenden Maschinenhallen-Sound führt. Auch heute, nach fast 25 Jahren sind die Klänge ungewöhnlich und lassen sich nur mit wenigen Acts vergleichen. Ein paar Anklänge an die frühen SPK darf man vielleicht vermuten und auch die Experimentierfreude von Cabaret Voltaire ist nicht fern.” (Backagain)
“…Using melodic lines and electronic gear, Doxa Sinistra steered their wheels toward obsessive compositions based on rhythms, treated sounds (see the backwards work on “Branoff 4″) and creativity. Each track creates a whole different atmosphere that makes sound the band like coming from an alien industrial galaxy. Sounding like a blend of early Coil and early Test Department (a bit less percussive) the band had a rich and particular sound for that era.” (Chain DLK)
“…Zonder omhaal kun je stellen dat “Conveyer Belt” één van de allerbeste, meest indringende voorbeelden van experimentele en industriële muziek is die ons land ooit heeft voortgebracht.” (KindaMuzik)
“…Doxa Sinistra’s music hasn’t aged at all. The sharp rhythms, industrial even at times, sequences and synthesizers, cut up radio snippets… Good, experimental popmusic. Just excellent. More on vinyl please from this great band.” (Vital Weekly)
“…DOXA SINISTRA nun final einfach in die Post-Industrial-Schublade zu schieben, würde “Conveyer Belt” einfach nicht gerecht werden. … ´Avantgarde´ waren DOXA SINISTRA zu ihrer Zeit auf jedenfall und folglich dürfte diese Zuordnung dem Werk wohl eindeutig am besten stehen.” (Gnark)