Various Artists – Hoera! Een Hex voor thuis! (LP, 520 copies) SOLD OUT
Iedere dag kan een feestje zijn…
From 2004 to 2008 we organized the Hex nights at OCCII in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. At these nights the audience was being served all (sub)styles of new wave music from the past and the present… and more… The nights were known for their ever suprising live acts (and not only because of the fact that most of these bands have their live debut in The Netherlands at Hex) and the dj sets by connoisseurs dj M & Kramp…
Although Hex was a relative small clubnight it has built a name for itself around the world among fans of obscure new wave music and many bands and specialized labels. To celebrate the existence of Hex this compilation LP was released… so everybody can have a Hex night at home…
On the LP are twelve bands that all performed live on stage at Hex. Ten out of the twelve tracks are exclusive recorded for this LP (and the other two are absolute hits on the Hex dancefloor). What you get is what we did… it is all there… from apocalyptic disco to post-punk, from elektro to Neo Deutsche Welle and from minimal electronics to cabaret …
The artwork is of course done by Dutch artist Edwin Stoutjesdijk (also known as dj Kramp)…
A1 Vanishing – Lovesick
A2 Frustration – Blind
A3 Sixteens – Chapel Of The Chimes
A4 Swann Danger – Don’t Be Sweet (Skot Brown re-mix)
A5 Saralunden -Hard Enough
A6 Cheveu – Truck
B1 Laurence Wasser – Lydon On TV
B2 Wermut – Nicole
B3 Kania Tieffer – Ice Double Nice
B4 Agent Side Grinder – In Line With Me
B5 Hval Mus – Droom En Spijt
B6 Punk Soul Loving Bill – Ehrliche Juristen
Selected press quotes:
“… this is an essential compilation for every person who is interested in wave music and how it is played today.” (Mashnote)
“…It’s true, the halcyon days when Die Krupps and Xmal Deutschland were still relevant have been back for a good couple of years now, evidenced by individual bands’ records scattered on indie labels hither and non but this Hex comp brings them all together.” (Z Gun)
“…it’s encouraging knowing that there are still places around where the scene is absolutely vibrant and moving forward. As a matter of course compilations are a bit of a hit and miss affair and don’t always represent value for money, especially if it’s only a single song you’re after – but I would like to think that everyone who buys this will not only find something in their favourite genre here but will also discover some surprises and some unexpected gems too.” (Heathen Harvest)
” If this is what they’re playing at their parties you can just imagine the freakshow!” (Norman Records)
“HOERA! EEN HEX VOOR THUIS! (released under the new Enfant Terrbile sub-label Hex Grammofoonplaten) is a fantastic compilation with twelve tracks/bands that will please your needs of pure raw electro/experimental/wave/post punk music.” (Chain DLK)
“„Hoera!“ – ein genialer, feiner, kleiner Sampler mit sehr interessanter Musik, fernab von irgendwelchen Mode- und Massentrends. Teilweise angenehm sperrig und dann wieder überraschend eingängig. Schnelles Zugreifen lohnt sich, denn das gute Stück Vinyl ist auf 500 Kopien limitiert.” (Terrorverlag)
“Vielseitig ist diese Zusammenstellung allemal, was aber zur Folge hat, dass wohl kaum jemand alles durchgehend gut findet. Andererseits findet man eine ganze Reihe bisher nicht so bekannter Bands, von denen man mal mehr hören möchte und das sollte ja eigentlich auch ein Ziel jeder Compilation sein. Auf jeden Fall zeigt „Hoera! Een Hex Voor Thuis“, dass man auf den Hex-Partys immer Spannendes, Ungewöhnliches und Aufregendes erwarten darf. Also: weiter so!” (Backagain)
“Na de gelijknamige feestjes die sinds 2004 onder impuls van Enfant Terrible in de Amsterdamse OCCII worden georganiseerd, is er nu een bijzonder eigenzinnig vormgegeven overzicht van twaalf bands die de afgelopen jaren de revue hebben gepasseerd tijdens de illustere Hex-avonden.Het geluidenpalet slingert daarbij lustig van minimal wave, cabaret, post-punk, death disco en terug met pakweg Malaria!, Gang Of Four, Chrome, Liquid Liquid, Siouxsie & The Banshees of Absolute Body Control als voornaamste lichtbakens. Spul waar we maar niet genoeg van kunnen krijgen.” (Gonzo Circus)