new sounds from the last few months: Brannten Schnüre and Diverting Duo

divertingduo_cvrTwo releases I enjoyed a lot these last weeks are the debut LP by Diverting Duo and the debut vinyl release by Brannten Schnüre .

“Desire” by Diverting Duo was released in October on Etch Wear… the Norwegian label run by one of the Europ Europ members… Diverting Duo themselves are from Italy and are indeed a duo… music wise their sound is a mix of synthpop and shoegaze… rather melanchcholy and soothing… and for sure the band is inspired by Julee Cruise… not only vocally… a really nice and even sweet record…

branntenschnure_cvrThe other record which really caught my intention is the first vinyl release by German Brannten Schnüre… who is of course one of the two musicians behind Diamantener Oberhof and who is also known as Agnes Beil… the LP “Sommer Im Pfirschichhain” is at a few point reminiscent of the Diamanter Oberhof LP… as it features the same mix of dreamy electronic soundscapes and touches of folklore music… but most of the pieces are much more like dreamscapes… becoming ritual at some points… even to the point it reminds me a bit of the ambient pieces by The Moon Lay Hidden Beneath A Cloud…

Here is one of the pieces by Brannten Schnüre…


And here one song from Diverting Duo…




ET_Vinyl_handjeToday I discovered I already had a Mixcloud page since 3 years… I had totally forgotten about it… the reason I went to the Mixcloud website was obvious… I wanted to start a page there… this to post a monthly dj set… mostly this will be the dj set I do for Radio Resistencia at Intergalactic FM…

This as not everybody is able to tune in when the show is on the air… and not everybody can find the archive… or wants to listen from the archive… and besides that I like my dj sets to be a little more available / “out there”…

The dj sets I do for Radio Resistencia are different every month… I always play what I am listening to at that moment… which differs every month… sometimes every week…

So today I posted the dj set I did for the show which was supposed to be aired last night… but something went wrong and it was never on air in the end… so now it is here… or look below this post to play it right away… it is filled with ambient, experimental soundscape stuff as well as a few more pop things… all in the mix and all played from vinyl of course…

There is another dj set (posted 3 years ago…) at the page which I will probably delete real soon… and the monthly dj sets will also be deleted from time to time to make space for new ones…

You can also play my current set right here below…

Horizon – 16 October – live: Ian Martin + Neugeborene Nachtmusik + Bare Bones, Lay Low

On friday the 16th of October I play some tunes together with dj Down The Rabbit Hole at an event organised by him/Ordo Viatorum… which is also a new label starting soon… run by dj Down The Rabbit Hole and Neugeborene Nachtmusik…

Performing live that night are Neugeborene Nachtmusik… check his debut LP which was released earlier this year and Ian Martin… part of Kaval of course… but probably more famous for his elektro/psych electronic music… the third live act is Bare Bones, Lay Low… doing his weird and trippy (lo-fi) psychedelic stuff…

Expect a night filled with post-industrial, ambient and psychedelic electronic music…

We start at 19.30 at Club Solo, Kloosterlaan 138, Breda, NL


Baldruin (again)

baldruin_klaueA little while ago I wrote a few words on the Baldruin tape release “Miniaturen”… a wonderful piece of ambient music which I still play a lot… a few days ago the new tape by Baldruin arrived… it is entitled “Klaue”…

While “Miniaturen” and most of the music by Baldruin is quite subtle “Klaue” opens with some rather distorted and noisy music… still short pieces of ambient sounds… and especially the A side of the tape is done in this way…

As said….  like on “Miniaturen” the songs/tracks are short pieces of music… and on the B side the music is less noisy and returns more to subtle electronic music and playful tracks dominating the listening experience… the style more typical for Baldruin…

But… do not get me wrong… the more noisy pieces are equally good and interesting as they show a different side of Baldruin…

And… another side of this project is evident on the also recently released split 3″ cd with Micromelancolié… on this cd Baldruin is present with three cover songs… all done in a truly original way… adventurous, playful and done with a funny twist… worthwhile to check out for sure!

Here is one piece from the “Klaue” release…

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true” width=”100%” height=’450′ iframe=”true” /]


baldruin_miniTwo weeks ago at the Diamantener Oberhof concert I got the latest Baldruin release. Baldruin is the solo project by one of the musicians from Diamantener Oberhof. Until now several releases are out on tape and the first vinyl is also in production…

The latest release is the tape release Miniaturen on A Giant Fern. As the title might suggest this tape is filled with little pieces of music… the longest being just about two and a half minute and the shortest being just under forty five seconds…

These pieces are playful dreamy ambient music composed with electronics and all kinds of acoustic instruments… just like they are used in the Diamantener Oberhof context… only Baldruin does not have the folklore touch…

I could imagine these short little pieces of music would fit perfectly as soundtrack for film and theatre scenes for example… but on their own they are as enjoyable as well… and that is an understatement!