Baldruin (again)

baldruin_klaueA little while ago I wrote a few words on the Baldruin tape release “Miniaturen”… a wonderful piece of ambient music which I still play a lot… a few days ago the new tape by Baldruin arrived… it is entitled “Klaue”…

While “Miniaturen” and most of the music by Baldruin is quite subtle “Klaue” opens with some rather distorted and noisy music… still short pieces of ambient sounds… and especially the A side of the tape is done in this way…

As said….  like on “Miniaturen” the songs/tracks are short pieces of music… and on the B side the music is less noisy and returns more to subtle electronic music and playful tracks dominating the listening experience… the style more typical for Baldruin…

But… do not get me wrong… the more noisy pieces are equally good and interesting as they show a different side of Baldruin…

And… another side of this project is evident on the also recently released split 3″ cd with Micromelancolié… on this cd Baldruin is present with three cover songs… all done in a truly original way… adventurous, playful and done with a funny twist… worthwhile to check out for sure!

Here is one piece from the “Klaue” release…

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true” width=”100%” height=’450′ iframe=”true” /]


baldruin_miniTwo weeks ago at the Diamantener Oberhof concert I got the latest Baldruin release. Baldruin is the solo project by one of the musicians from Diamantener Oberhof. Until now several releases are out on tape and the first vinyl is also in production…

The latest release is the tape release Miniaturen on A Giant Fern. As the title might suggest this tape is filled with little pieces of music… the longest being just about two and a half minute and the shortest being just under forty five seconds…

These pieces are playful dreamy ambient music composed with electronics and all kinds of acoustic instruments… just like they are used in the Diamantener Oberhof context… only Baldruin does not have the folklore touch…

I could imagine these short little pieces of music would fit perfectly as soundtrack for film and theatre scenes for example… but on their own they are as enjoyable as well… and that is an understatement!