Printed TWINS

twins_printed_armstwins_printed_legsYesterday was quite a sad day… as for the last time I was at Kapitaal in Utrecht for printing some ET artwork… hopefully they will find a new place soon so our collaboration can continue…

What had to be done yesterday was the sleeve for the TWINS “Rather Not” record… the sleeve has a classic new wave sort of lay-out and features some great photography by Anouk van der Wegen. The sleeves are silkscreen printed.

This record comes in two editions… as in that the sleeve has been designed in two variations featuring two different photos… one proved harder to print as the other strange enough… but in the end both look great I think…

This record is open for pre-order now and ready for shipping in about 2-3 weeks from now…


Printing time (again)

This weekend I was again at Kapitaal in Utrecht printing the artwork for the upcoming releases… I finished two of the three sleeves I need to do…

antlersmulm_cvr_uncutFirst I printed the Antlers Mulm 7 inch sleeve… this one was a three color / layer design for risograph… the funny thing with doing riso prints is that  all copies are different… as you print layer for layer and the paper feed is not very stable you can imagine little differences in each print… as in that the layers are never super thigh on top of each other… but that is all part of the charm… and the colours of course… they look so old fashioned… absolutely lovely! I printed on a yellowish bookstyle kind of paper… adding even more charm to the final result…

zarkoffikonal_cvr_printedThe other print I did this weekend was for the Zarkoff & Ikonal 12″ EP on Gooiland Elektro… this was the usual silkscreen printing job I do since several records in this series… so cardboard sleeves and double sided printed… which is quite a lot of work… but they look really good I think… rather industrial…

Next weekend I return to Kapitaal for the last time to print there… at least at the current location… they are currently looking for a new place and plan to re-open soon at a new location… but I will print the TWINS mini album artwork at the current place… this will be a silkscreen printed sleeve in two different editions… same style but with different photography… so 125 copies with one design and 125 copies with another design… I look forward to printing this one… very curious how these will turn out…

Out now: Roberto Auser, Utroid and Monocorpse

It took some time… more time as expected… but this seems to be the normal way to go these days… Anyway… out now are the three awaited records by Roberto Auser, Utroid and Monocorpse…

Roberto Auser serves minimal electronics/elektro as it should sound… raw and analogue… Utroid spoils us with new beat and early techno influenced acid… and last but not least Monocorpse delivers some dark and ritual electronic music… you can find the second video from the Monocorpse EP here below…

All three records come in screen printed sleeves which are handprinted by me and Roberto Auser at Kapitaal in Utrecht.

You can order the records at the ET webshop or get them shortly from the usual suspects around the globe…

Not For Sale

13636236_1336271646388111_701108624_nAll my releases come in small editions but from time to time I like to create something really special and obscure… like I did for example with the 20 copies of the Neugeborene Nachtmusik LP… that came with different artwork…

Right now I am printing the artwork for the next three releases at Kapitaal in Utrecht… For the new Monocorpse EP the musician and I have imagined a special edition of 10 copies next the “regular” edition… this special edition also comes in a handprinted sleeve… just like the regular edition but with a different design (see photo)… also for this special edition the labels will be hand stamped…

All copies will be given away to friends and collaborators of Monocorpse and Enfant Terrible… meaning this one is not for sale but just made for fun of creating something really special… still the regular edition is super nice too and this EP is a killer record… you can pre-order a copy here…


insertET044Gooiland23This weekend I finished the insert for the upcoming Gooiland Elektro compilation “Noblesse Oblige”… next to the silk screen printed sleeve this compilation includes an insert… this insert is printed on a risograph machine and I finished it by stamping it by hand…

Now all is finished and the waiting is for the vinyls… then some assembling needs to be done and then I can ship this one out… I expect I can start shipping at the end of March…

In my recent mixtape / dj set two tracks from this record are included… to kill time while waiting…


Assembly line

petitEurop_assemblingAlways when new records arrive from the pressing plant it takes a few days before I can start to ship records to private orders and shops. This because the records have to be assembled… sometimes it involves more work (more parts) as other times…

Right now I have quite some work to do… the Sololust and Staatseinde sleeves need to be folded… and I do this by hand… one sleeve at the time… after that I need to put them in a plastic outer sleeve and put the vinyl record also in this plastic sleeve.

The Europ Europ is another story… I made 200 small stickers by hand… one for each sleeve… so I also need to put the stickers on the sleeves… also a black inlay card I cut in the right size has to be put in the sleeve and after that the vinyl record and the silk screen printed inlay card also have to put in the plastic outer sleeve… so lots of parts have to be added before I have one ready to send out into the world…

Still… in the end the more work involved in a record the more satisfaction it gives me when I see the end result…

So… I am busy right now to get all records ready so I can start shipping soon…