Slow news…

Most of the time I forget to post any news here… this as most of it is posted at my Instagram page… but quiet a lot is happening… three new records are at the pressing plant: FOQL and 4Cantons (both Gooiland Elektro) and the  Ô Paradis & Nový Svět LP  (Vrystaete). Then there will be a special edition of the last 35 copies of the Hero Wouters LP. This in “Vrystaete style”…

After that I planned a LP by R A D K O (Enfant Terrible) and EP’s by Auva Duhr and Monocorpse (both Gooiland Elektro)… and also a Vrystaete record by Taro… and more Vrystaete releases are already imagined and planned…

Also today I started working on a new Gooiland Elektro compilation EP… more on that when the concept is ready and the artists confirmed…

As you might guess in these time… no parties and no concerts… there are plans for this but times need to be different to realise that in a responsible way…

So… hang in there… and furthur!


The Brvtalist

I did a mix for The Brvtalist to showcase 15 years of ET… but instead of looking backwards I did a mix with music yet to be released on ET… and a few tracks which are part of the records just out now (Neugeborene Nachtmusik and Silver Age People)…(other) artists featured are Monocorpse, Roberto Auser, Sturqen,  Futuro de Hierro, Unhuman and FOQL…

There is also a small interview attached to the mix… you can read that Q&A here…

FOQL – Lower Your Expectations

FOQL is no stranger I hope to people checking this website and blog… this Polish producer released an 12″ EP on Gooiland Elektro and contributed tracks to compilations both as FOQL as with the Osty project she is part of…

Recently a new album was released on cassette by Always Human Tapes… this album is entitled “Lower Your Expectations”… but unlike the title maybe suggests the music is top notch…

FOQL never really does one thing nor copy cats herself so to speak… so expect some new sounds from her… still recognisable… but this album is quite divers… ranging from minimal electronics to acid and to harsh techno… the louder and freaky techno and acid pieces are my favourites but the complete album is worth checking out…

Below my two favourites tracks and here you can listen to the complete album


As some people know I used to be on Facebook but deleted both my personal account and my label page some years ago… I guess for reasons I do not need to explain…

And as some might have noticed there is now since a week or something a new Enfant Terrible label page… as the infos say over there this page is not run by me but by FOQL… I am sure you know FOQL from her work on Gooiland Elektro… she told me she liked to bring ET to Facebook again to show the 10+ years of my label past, and also the present and the future, to some souls over there…

As I did not need to create an account and she will totally run the page with me only sending her some infos and photos from time to time I agreed on it…

The page is here and if you are (still) on Facebook you can follow ET news over there now (too)… or just dive in the past with photos and infos on the  100+ releases I put out until now…


Osty is a project coming from the same Polish electronic music collective as Marburg and FOQL… their music is a strange mix of techno, ambient, acid, industrial and trance…

The project is featured on the new Gooiland Elektro compilation “Noblesse Oblige”… next to the track on “Noblesse Oblige” they released their debut cassette recently… here is a video of one of the tracks from that tape…

By the way Osty is the Polish word for the Dutch “distel”… so two project I have released on ET carry the same name…

Future Classic… ?

gooiland_boxedIn December 2013 I released the second Gooiland Elektro compilation entitled “Club Funny Horse“… this compilation features Cute Heels, Drug Culture, Ekman and Marburg (now active as part of FOQL and Osty)… a compilation built around some hard hitting dark techno stuff deeply rooted in EBM and New Beat…

Like many ET records this record went quite slowly in the beginning… but the demand continued on the same level… and it is only quiet recently the demand for this one is growing and growing… I have the feeling most people only value this release now… which happens to more of the ET release… they prove (more) relevant over some time… or maybe they are a bit ahead of their time mostly…

So last week I opened the last box and I am shipping some copies now… and some more are ordered to be shipped with the upcoming new releases… so get it quick (as somebody commented on this release on Discogs)…

By the way… the new upcoming Gooiland Elektro compilation “Noblesse Oblige” takes off where “Club Funny Horse” ended… and moves onwards…

Here is the Cute Heels track from “Club Funny Horse”…