Printed matters

This weekend I have been printing the art prints for the upcoming Neurobit record on Vrystaete and the sleeves for the new Gooiland Elektro compilation… both records are expected late March…

The art prints for the Neurobit record are designed by Sasj and are geometric patterns… originally the design was intended to have 3 layers but in the end I decided to only go for 2 layers… less is more and as the third layer was a big square with patterns in it this would have been quite hard to do with silk screen printing…

The design is printed in three color variations… so 50 prints of each variation… see above… when (pre)ordering the record you can state your wish for a specific color combination…

As always these prints where done at the printing facilities of Kapitaal in Utrecht…

A post with photos of the Gooiland Elekro sleeves will follow in the next days…

Radio Resistencia with live Murw

RR_logoThis Thursday (25th of February) a new Radio Resistencia session wil take place at Kapitaal Utrecht… live on stage we have Murw from Utrecht… he was present on the Kamp Holland compilation I released some years ago… around that time he also performed live for Radio Resistencia… back then quite a noisy improvisation site with live electronics…

This time most likely the live set will be more dance music orientated… this is a new direction for Murw… he is experimenting with live techno… still improvised at some points… and also still present is the musicians’ interest in lo-fi electronic sounds… so some chip tune sounds and elements will be present… but also some more pounding techno tunes…

We start around 20.00 hours CET and end around 23.00 CET… entrance is free… as always… I will spin some records and so will dj Alacidus…

Here is a bit of Murw live at the Grasnapolsky Festival from a few weeks ago…

Radio Resistencia session with live Glice

RR_logoLast year the Radio Resistencia sessions were held on sunday afternoon… this year these sessions are on thursday evening… from 20.00 to 23.00 CET… still at Kapitaal of course at the city centre of Utrecht (NL).

The first session is this thursday (21st January) with live Glice from Amsterdam… a new and very promising noise duo… see here for a piece on their recently released digital debut album…

Dj Alacidus and myself as Dj M. will spin some records before and after the live performance…

Here is another piece by Glice to get in the mood…

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”450″ iframe=”true” /]

Donderdag (Hans de Wolf) at Radio Resistencia

RR_logoNext sunday it is the last Radio Resistencia session for 2015… and a stupid coincidence… performing live is the duo Donderdag… which means Thursday… and  from January onwards the sessions will be on thursday… but still in Kapitaal!

Anyway Donderdag is a project by Hans de Wolf… maybe you remember the tape object I released with him? That went together with an the online presentation of some of his art… if you do not remember it… see here…

Donderdag is weird folk inspired experimental pop music from Utrecht… so definitely something fitting the Radio Resistencia show…

As all sessions this past year we start at 15.00 hour and finish at 18.00 hour… some records are spanned by me of course and dj Hans D.

Here is a piece of Donderdag…

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true” width=”100%” height=’450′ iframe=”true” /]

Radio Resistencia with live Europ Europ and Diverting Duo

RR_logoSunday 22nd of November there will be a new Radio Resistencia session in the  afternoon. This time with Europ Europ from Norway and Diverting Duo from Italy.

Europ Europ is of course no stranger to followers of Enfant Terrible and listeners of Radio Resistencia alike… Europ Europ has performed before at a radio recording session and of course quite some music from these Norwegian post-industrialists was released through ET…

Diverting Duo is a shoegaze/new wave/indie outfit from Italy… dream pop is another genre name fitting their music…

Below this post a song/video from Diverting Duo and below that one of Europ Europ…

We start as always at 15.00 hour CET and I will put on the last tune around 18.00 hour CET… entrance is free and drinks are cheap… all of this takes place at Kapitaal in the centre of Utrecht… see you there (if you are around)!


[vimeo 91965550 w=500 h=281]

Printing time (again)

europ_petit_insertYesterday was printing time again at Kapitaal in Utrecht… this time it was the insert / artwork for the upcoming Europ Europ 7 inch… with the help (as always) of the printing chief of Kapitaal super nice double sided printed inlay cards were realised… we printed them with silk screen printing technique and did a little experiment with two colours of ink so all inlay cards came out different…

All I need to do now is cut them… but that is for the printed parts only as a few small other things still need to be finalised for the Europ Europ records… and still the artwork for the Sololust and the Staatseinde records need to be printed… so more work is waiting… but I expect all to be ready in time for the release date late November…