
This year Enfant Terrible is running for 15 years… it is not that I want to put too much emphasis on this… the current state of things is what counts… but I have seen so many labels come and go these last 15 years… and I have been in contact with so many people… and only a few of those are still here… for various reasons… and it does not make a difference  to me if I speak to these people every day, once a week or once a year… next to the records I realised with all the different musicians and all the memories of concerts, parties and meetings… in the end those few people still here are for a very big part what counts… I am quiet sure you know who you are…

And… after 15 years ET is still based on the same idealistic principles as when I started and as I have given shape to it in the manifest and activities… so expect only one thing… that I will take this furthur…
