Ocean Floor and Father Murphy

Recently I added the absolute great releases by Belgian label B.A.A.D.M. to the webshop… especially the Frederik Croene record is one I simply love… it is a piece of dark and haunting organ music…

oceanfloor_cvrIn that vein I have some other records waiting to go online… one of them is by Ocean Floor… a project from Bristol… the “Jupiter” album was released on tape first and is now available on vinyl… the music on the album is lighter and less dark as the Frederik Croene… mostly due to fact no church organ was used but an harmonium… which is a small chamber size organ… “Jupiter” is a blending of electronic and the sound of the harmonium… resulting in spacious sound tapestries… it is psychedelic and trippy in the same way as the krautrock/kosmische scene music by (early) Tangerine Dream… and yes the  influence of this legendary band is very clear… but still “Jupiter” is an amazing album…

Next to that I have some copies of the new 10″ by Father Murphy… an Italian band which has been making music for over a decade… and I must admit that I only came across them recently on the “Nostra Signora delle Tenebre” compilation by Backwards… on which their piece was one of the highlights…

fathermurphy_cvrNow there is this new 10″… with music which is reminiscent of early Coil in some way… mixed with some elements of Duhkha/Bex… so expect some post-industrial music hinting at various styles and genres… dark occult psychedelic stuff… quite unique… and both tracks are a true listening experience…

Here is one piece by Ocean Floor…

And here is one of the two pieces from the Father Murphy 10″…

Gooiland Elektro MKII

Gooiland_Elektro_logo_whiteAfter almost 20 records in about 2 years time it is time to change the concept and the looks of Gooiland Elektro a bit… three new releases show the new direction… first of all the records by FOQL, Monocorpse and FFFC are released in a small edition of 150 copies only… as original intended when the label was conceived. Next to that the records will from now on come in sleeves which are hand printed by myself…

What stays the same is the focus on new and unknown artists and projects and sounds which are not released by other labels… so the sounds, but also the looks, will stay recognizable as being typical Gooiland Elektro and Enfant Terrible…

FOQL, Monocorpse and FFFC all deliver an EP filled with techno related sounds but all three are different in their ways to treat this music tradition… FOQL brings in some (spi)ritual sounds and structures and touches of Coil, The Future Sound Of London and even maybe Kobosil. Monocorpse on the other hand delivers some pounding raw, primitive and occult dark techno which will appeal to fans of Ancient Methods. FFFC will make you trip away on synth tapestries placed on top of techno and EBM rhythms…

Previews of sounds and artwork are available here…

Full track previews are available here…

The records are expected at the end of June… but you can pre-order these now here…