
Roberto Auser

I had a great time last saturday at Gifgrond… as always everything was just perfectly organised and the ambiance was perfect as well… all three live acts were excellent… for Onont Kombar it was just the second live show ever… and it was much more powerful as the first one… Embers proved live even more style defying as on their records… a sort of Flemish post-industrial reply to Die Antwoord… and last but not least Roberto Auser showed once again how well skilled he is in performing live with a modular synth…


Also the audience stayed this time to dance to the 80’s sound and contemporary electronic tunes like we used to play at the Hex nights in OCCII/Amsterdam… and it was cool playing these tunes again… long time ago I did this…

Onont Kombar

These photos are by Frank Janssens. Thanks to all involved  in making this night one to remember!

Gifgrond invites Enfant Terrible (once again)…

For the third time the Gifgrond ladies invited me to curate a night of music at their absolute great event… hosted at a private location near the city center of Tilburg this is one of the best kept secrets in The Netherlands for discovering off radar music… so save the date: Saturday 14th of January… all infos are also here and here

It is great to start 2017 with this live event for Enfant Terrible… and this will also be recorded as an episode of Radio Resistencia…

Live on stage for the first time in The Netherlands are Belgian post-industrial/post-everything ensemble Embers… next to that Onont Kombar will be performing his minimal electronics live and last but not least Roberto Auser is serving his analogue elektro beats and noises… I will play some tunes before, in between and after the live acts… what a feast!

Here below some sounds to get in the mood:












Onont Kombar @ Radio Resistencia

RR_logoThis Thursday (24th of March) there is new Radio Resistencia / Enfant Terrible at Kapitaal mini-event / radio session… live performing will be Onont Kombar… this will be the first live show ever by this Dutch artist…

Onont Kombar is playing around with noisy synth sounds and rough rhythms… sort of minimal synth but harsher…and quite dark too… out soon will be his debut as a split LP with Enfant Terrible family member Neugeborene Nachtmusik… on a new label called Ordo Viatorum… which is run by those two musicians themselves…

Below is a video of one of the Onont Kombar tracks from this record… this video was done by Dutch visual artist Anouk van der Wegen

The radio session starts at 20.00 hour and ends at 23.00 hour … the entrance is free and the drinks are cheap and nice… for directions see the Kapitaal website