A bit of delay…

The upcoming records by Leroy Se Meurt and Futuro de Hierro are delayed a bit… which should be no surprise taking the current situation in account… There is some delay at the pressing plant and I have to see if the workspaces where I print the artwork usually are opening up soon… I am not eager to compromise on the way I make the records for Enfant Terrible… I like to print all myself… this is an essential part of the process… I want every single record to go through my hands… meaning I print the artwork and do the assembling of the records and the artwork… I like to be connected in this way to the artefacts I put out…

So… I hope you have a little bit of patience… I aim for the end of May for these two records to be ready… which probably is better anyway as hopefully most record shops will be open again… so it makes more sense to have the records ready then anyway…



Out now: 2 x new Vrystaete

It took me some time but the two new Vrystaete releases are ready and will be on there way to people and (web)shops from later this week onwards…

So both Lend Me Your Underbelly and Ô Paradis can be enjoyed during your Xmas dinner…

I always miscalculate the amount of time needed to complete the Vrystaete records… next to printing the artwork and the info sheet there is the numbering of the artwork and the applying of stamps on the record labels (4 on each record) and on the info sheet (1 on each info sheet)… then there is the assembling of it all… so well… if I would include my hours spend on this in the price of the records they would become too expensive to sell…

So… think about that when you have in your hands sooner or later… these records are quite priceless… 😉 And… I saw in Discogs lately that at least one is already a real collector piece but I am quite sure a few more will become that too shortly… most titles are sold out or low in stock at most places…

Savage Grounds sleeve

Today I did test prints for the sleeve of the upcoming Savage Grounds record… I did a test print as it was paper I never worked with and as I wanted to check out the two variations of the design…

The paper I picked is glossy gold paper… very smooth so only suitable for modern day printers and printing techniques… the end result of the tests are quite promising… so I will print the final sleeves soon… most likely next week…

Below is a photo of the test prints…

Staatseinde riso printed

Today I printed the sleeves for the upcoming Staatseinde record… it was done in 3 colours on a risograph machine… I ran into some problems at first as the design was done in a way that too much ink was printed on the paper sheets… resulting in paper jams inside the machine as the sheets of paper with the ink got stuck inside… after changing the files so the design had more transparency and the machine would take less ink to print the design all went well… below you can see the progress of the first layer, the second layer and at last the third layer printed…

The record will be out soon now…

Printing time again

Yesterday I started printing the sleeves of the upcoming releases… four sleeves have to be done i total and one is finished now… together with Roberto Auser I printed the LCN sleeve at the new place of Kapitaal in Utrecht… as the new print studio at this location is not set up yet we had to improvise a bit… but the sleeve came out well… so one down… three to go… two more screen printed sleeves and one I will do with a risograph machine… more news when there is…

printing record sleeves – Adolf Filter

As the next releases will be out soon I am working on getting all the artwork printed… one of the three sleeves is finished now… and that is the one for the Adolf Filter 7 inch…

This sleeve is xeroxed on recycled paper… the artwork is inspired by some diagrams in an obscure scientific/occult book I bought some years ago… fitting perfectly the dark and grainy sound of the music…

Here is the A-side of the 7 inch…