Staatseinde – The Lost In Time Tapes

Even to my own surprise Staatseinde celebrates its tenth (!!) anniversary this year… the band started back in 2006… but in between 2007 and 2009 they were on non-active. After this hiatus I came in contact with the band and we started to work together.

StaatseindeK7During all these years the band changed musicians several times… from being a duo to a five man/woman outfit back to the duo they are right now… with this change in band members the sound also changed from time to time…

To showcase this little history the band released a cassette with 15 tracks… when listening to this collection you hear the shifts in sounds while at the same time the selection is still quite cohesive… what the band also is doing with this tape is presenting their unique synth pop style… influences from Neue Deutsche Welle and touches of Dada pop… from a synth soundscape to a bouncing track… it is all here…

You can get this tape from the band at concerts.

Assembly line

petitEurop_assemblingAlways when new records arrive from the pressing plant it takes a few days before I can start to ship records to private orders and shops. This because the records have to be assembled… sometimes it involves more work (more parts) as other times…

Right now I have quite some work to do… the Sololust and Staatseinde sleeves need to be folded… and I do this by hand… one sleeve at the time… after that I need to put them in a plastic outer sleeve and put the vinyl record also in this plastic sleeve.

The Europ Europ is another story… I made 200 small stickers by hand… one for each sleeve… so I also need to put the stickers on the sleeves… also a black inlay card I cut in the right size has to be put in the sleeve and after that the vinyl record and the silk screen printed inlay card also have to put in the plastic outer sleeve… so lots of parts have to be added before I have one ready to send out into the world…

Still… in the end the more work involved in a record the more satisfaction it gives me when I see the end result…

So… I am busy right now to get all records ready so I can start shipping soon…

Ende der Zukunft

IMG_1501Now also the artwork for the Staatseinde 7 inch is printed. As announced before this one was done on a Risograph machine… in three layers (three colours)… I think it looks great… and yes it is different as the design (as presented on the ET website)… but that is just part of the game with printing techniques like this… you never know exactly how it will turn out… it is a bit of luck, a bit of fate and a bit of going with the flow…

If all goes well “Ende der Zukunft” (as the record is entitled) will be delivered at the end of this week and I can start shipping shortly after that…

All three of the records (Staatseinde, Sololust and Europ Europ) are already numbered… I only need to fold the artwork/sleeves and put them in a pvc sleeve… so finally soon soon soon…

Printing time (again)

europ_petit_insertYesterday was printing time again at Kapitaal in Utrecht… this time it was the insert / artwork for the upcoming Europ Europ 7 inch… with the help (as always) of the printing chief of Kapitaal super nice double sided printed inlay cards were realised… we printed them with silk screen printing technique and did a little experiment with two colours of ink so all inlay cards came out different…

All I need to do now is cut them… but that is for the printed parts only as a few small other things still need to be finalised for the Europ Europ records… and still the artwork for the Sololust and the Staatseinde records need to be printed… so more work is waiting… but I expect all to be ready in time for the release date late November…

Petit Enfant series return: Sololust, Europ Europ and Staatseinde

Staatseinde_cvrIt has been has been four years since the last record was released in the Petit Enfant series… the 7 inch series with a focus on all things synth pop… from minimal synth sounds to coldwave and darkwave… and from synth punk to a bit more weird and edgy minimal electronics…

And… to celebrate the return of this series three records are released at the same time… all classic 7 inches on 45 rpm… all three with familiar names from the Enfant Terrible family: Sololust, Europ Europ and Staasteinde.

Sololust returns with a true future classic and instant dancefloor favorite for the specialized dance nights out there… and on the flip side a superb melancholy minimal tune… Europ Europ have never before sounded so rhythmic…but their typical (post)-industrial style is also there of course… resulting in two tracks of weird post-industrial disco… Staatseinde has seen some personnel changes… and only for the better in my opinion… on this record they present their new more electronic sound… Neue Holländische Welle version 2.0…

All artwork will be printed (Risograph and silk screen) at Kapitaal in Utrecht… so these records will be true collector pieces (again)…

Full track previews are available now on the ET sound cloud…

The records are expected at the end of October… and a release party is in the making… and next to that Sololust and Staatseinde will perform live at Radio Resistencia at Kapitaal on sunday 18th of October and Europ Europ on sunday 22nd of November…

Radio Resistencia

RR_logoLunchtime at my day job… so a few words on Radio Resistencia, the monthly radio show I have been involved with for some years now…

Tonight from 22.00 hour to 01.00 hour (CET) Radio Resistencia will be on for a three hour show at Intergalactic FM on IFM1. This episode features dj M.,  dj Alacidus and dj Sololust. I will be opening the show with a set of dark and moody music ranging from Kobosil to Burzum and from Oake to December…

Radio Resistencia first started when I met with Andy Dufter (known from Lesbian Mouseclicks and Staatseinde) and Sololust. Not too long after this dj Alacidus became our second resident dj (next to me) and our frequent collaborator is nobody less as Former Descent/Neurobit/Rioteer… both for live performances as well as dj sets…

We started in Utrecht in a wharf at the canal in the city centre before moving around a bit… also from time to time we do shows somewhere else or record an Enfant Terrible event as an episode of Radio Resistencia… like in Berlin in June 2014 (see the video below this post)…

Starting from December 2015 onwards we are located back in Utrecht at projectspace/artist workplace and more Kapitaal…  at this place also Vrystaete and Petit Enfant (coming back in 2015!) sleeves/packaging is printed by hand…

From January onwards the radio shows are presented as mini events where a small audience is welcome… this can be regular shows but also release parties for  ET releases or something yet undefined… these events take place on sunday afternoons starting mostly at 15.00 hour and ending around 18.00 hour… there are locals beers to drink and often nice concerts but always music you do not hear anywhere else! Check the events page for what is coming/going on…

Tune in and enjoy! If you missed an episode or want to listen to them on demand you can find all shows in the archive. And… here is what we did in Berlin last June (2014) and became Episode 44…