When it comes to old fashioned printing techniques your easily think of silk screen printing and risograph printing for example… but doing some old school copying on an Xerox machine fits nowadays in the same category… at least for me…
While the artwork for the upcoming Europ Europ 7 inch is done by silk screen printing (see below) and the Staatseinde is done with a Risograph machine the Sololust artwork is coming out of a Xerox machine…
Well… you just have to love the grainy quality of it all… so the design of the sleeve was done in away to make this even more evident… and for an extra touch the inside of the sleeve is also xeroxed… the end result is a trashy black and greyish sleeve not only referring to the (post-) punk era and DIY aesthetics but being all of that… and maybe more…
Now only the Staatseinde sleeve has to be done… and then you can enjoy these 7″s with fitting artwork (design and printing technique!) at home…